Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry
Thursday, June 2, ~ 8:00 -10:00 pm
Advance ticket sales are offered online via 309Tix.com
Tickets in Advance Online: $5-members, $8-nonmembers, $3-poets + fees (till 7pm day of event)
When checking in at the door, be prepared to share your table and seat number.
If an event is not sold out, tickets will also be sold at the door.
Tickets at the door*: $9-members, $12-nonmembers, $5-poets
(*No money will be taken at the door unless we don’t reach our max capacity)
*Please Note that purchasing a Poet Ticket is a commitment to share your poetry on stage. If you don't plan to read, then don't purchase a poet level ticket.
Water and Pop for $1.00 is offered at the bar.
Attendees may bring their own food and drink or bring in food and drink from the Rhythm Kitchen.
Experience a diverse open mic with artists from all backgrounds in a positive and inspiring atmosphere. Peoria’s Open Mic for Poetry is held on the 1st Thursday of each month. Host: Ryan Lowry, DJ: Yvaine Washington
Each month the open mic features a popular regionally known poet. Poets from as far away as Maryland, Missouri and Florida have graced the stage. Regardless of a poet’s level of experience, everyone is welcome to share his or her work. One thing is for certain, this is an entertaining and stimulating event. Join us on the 2nd floor, in the Preston Jackson Gallery.
Featured Poet: TeiannaRe-AL Cooper
As an author, community advocate and facilitator, TeiannaRe-AL Cooper is a recognized speaker of healing, truth, and wisdom. She has had the honor of being guest speaker at several teen summits, women conferences, and community forums in the Kansas City metropolitan area and major cities alike. TeiannaRe-AL Cooper is a poetry slam mentor and writers workshop facilitator; however, she is notably known for blending a smooth sound and sultry voice to deliver a hardcore and real message through her poetry.
As an artist, she has self-published a number of works including two books "Little Girl Listen" and "Feeln' Sum Type of Way." In addition, she has two poetry LP’s “Naked Truth; Love, Sex, & Lies and “This Woman's Work.” TeiannaRe-AL is a registered song writer with BMI earning writers credits on several songs with a diverse array of artists. She has hosted several artist showcases in front of a live audience in which she has received rave reviews for her astonishing show, giving her listeners a taste of original poems, monologues, and songs. TeiannaRe-AL has since worked tirelessly to become a New York Times bestselling author with several works in progress and notable publisher and songwriter. Teianna is the granddaughter of the legendary blues great, Albert King and plans to carry on his legacy.
TeiannaRe-AL is an affiliated poet with Kansas City's 4HisWill, I AM AN ARTIST, Arsyn Spit Fire, East of Red ArtHouse, AtEase Sunday and REAL TALK with Mia Ramsey. As a performing artist she has hosted and performed for several events in various cities such as Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Nashville, Oklahoma City, S. Louis, Tulsa, and many more. TeiannaRe-AL has recently made her home in the windy city of Chicago and is continuing her work in literary and performance art.