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Preschool Art Fun @ Peoria Art Guild
Preschool Art Fun @ Peoria Art Guild

This class provides a fun and dynamic way for Preschool-Age and Pre-K children to develop their own creativity, sharpen fine motor skills, and build confidence while meeting new friends. We’ll explore many different ways to create, getting our hands into lots of different mediums: Paint, Clay, Collage, & more- to create special & unique works of art! Parents are encouraged to stay during the class in our waiting area.
More info...
Ages 3-5, Preschool or Pre-K (Must be potty-trained!)
Monday mornings 9:00- 10:00 am
Art Class: Macrame Plant Hanger Workshop
Art Class: Macrame Plant Hanger Workshop

Create a macrame plant hanger to hang a potted artificial succulent! During this workshop, you will learn how to create your own beautiful macrame wall hanging. No experience is necessary for this class! You will learn how to tie basic knots in order to create a modern macrame of your own. Each student will be provided a dowel rod and plenty of cord to create their wall hanging. More info...
Blarney Blitz 2021
Blarney Blitz 2021

The Blarney Blitz was the first weekend the world shut down in 2020 and we had to cancel the event for the first time ever. After successfully navigating the protocols to allow for our Crush Covid and Chocolate Turkey races in the 2nd half of 2020, we are ready to begin the Return to Racing. Save the date! 3/13/2021.
More info coming soon!
Spirit of Peoria Murder Mystery Dinner Cruise
Spirit of Peoria Murder Mystery Dinner Cruise

Who done it? And why? This interactive cruise is more than a shot in the dark. The cast of the Champaign Urbana Theatre Co will dine and mingle with you as the mystery unfolds! Price includes a Prime Rib buffet, entertainment and the cruise. Cash bar available. Vegetarian meal available upon request. Ask about our group rates. Boarding: 6pm Dinner 6:30pm Cruise: 7-9pm www.spiritofpeoria.com