The Illinois Deer Classic is coming to Peoria and will fill the PCC Exhibit Halls Friday-Sunday, March 27-29. Big buck and shed contests, seminars, great exhibit booths to shop hunting gear, accessories, clothing, blinds, tree stands and more! Bring your antlers for official measuring, bring your bow for our 300 and 3D shoots, attend world-class seminars plus activities for kids. For more information, visit http://illinoisdeerclassic.com
Friday, March 27 from 3:00-8:00pm
Saturday, March 28 from 9:00am-7:00pm
Sunday, March 29 from 10:00am-4:00pm
We want your Illinois Giants for the ILLINOIS DEER CLASSIC WHITETAIL HALL OF FAME!
Any whitetail harvested in the state of Illinois that meets Boone & Crockett all-time book standards and has been officially measured qualifies. Contact us at info@iowashows.com or 319-232-0218 with your information. We will need a copy of your score sheet. Your deer will be part of the Hall of Fame Display and you will receive Free Admission and be eligible for prizes. Minimum scores are Typical 170 and Non Typical 195.