Sound Healing with Elmira at Winks Iron Lot

Tags: things to do, things to do downtown, things to do downtown peoria, healing, winks iron lot, relaxing, fun for teenagers, fun for adults, fun for families, fun for college age, fun for all ages, fun for couples, sound healing, elmira, wellness practice 03/21/25 06:00PM - 07:00PM

Sound healing is a wellness practice that uses sound vibrations to promote relaxation and healing. It can involve listening to instruments like gongs, singing bowls, and tuning forks.
How does it work?
Sound healing can slow brain waves and put the body into a relaxed state. 
It can help balance the mind and body, and release negative emotions. 
It can help with physical and mental health conditions. 
It can lower stress, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
Can improve sleep quality and overall well being
Can help with emotional processing and relaxation
Can help relieve muscle and bone pain

For more info:

Location: Peoria River Front Association