SINGING Wait Staff before HAIRSPRAY - Tuesday 3/8/22!!

Tags: broadway lounge, things to do downtown peoria, singing wait staff 03/08/22 05:00PM - 07:00PM

The Broadway Lounge's Singing Wait Staff is back and this time to set the mood for all of you looking to grab a bite to eat and a beverage before seeing HAIRSPRAY at the Peoria Civic Center!

Make your reservation NOW at

There are 3 reservation times available - 
5p, 5:30p or 6p and we will make sure to get you out the door in plenty of time to make it to the 7:30p curtain of Hairspray!

While there is no admission cost for this event, there is a minimum 2 item required purchase per person with at least item being food!

All tables seat 4-6. If it is a nice night you can even leave your car down here and walk the 2 blocks to the Civic Center!

Location: Peoria River Front Association