Peoria Historical Society: Public Tour: Children’s s Home: Then and Now
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02/13/25 10:00AM
Thursday, February 13, 10 am to 12 noon (doors open for coffee and donuts at 9:30 am)
2130 Knoxville Avenue
Members free; non-members $10
How often have you driven past the Children’s Home Association of Illinois on Knoxville
Avenue and wondered what was behind that beautiful facade? Guests at this event will enjoy a
presentation on the fascinating 158-year history of Children’s Home, a basement-to-attic tour of
their iconic Knoxville campus, and a Q & A period. You will be able to view old ledgers and
records, architectural plans, artifacts, and photographs related to the building. This event is
limited to 25 people and preregistration is required.
For more info:
Location: Peoria River Front Association