Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

06/15/23 08:00PM - 10:00PM

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry
Thursday, June 15 ~ 8:00 - 10:00 pm

When checking in at the door, be prepared to share your table and seat number.

Tickets in Advance Online: $5-members, $8-nonmembers, $3-poets + fees (till 6pm day of event)

If an event is not sold out, tickets will also be sold at the door.
Tickets at the door*: $9-members, $12-nonmembers, $5-poets
(*No money will be taken at the door unless we don’t reach our max capacity)

*Please Note that purchasing a Poet Ticket is a commitment to share your poetry on stage. If you don't plan to read, then don't purchase a poet level ticket.

Water and Pop for $1.00 is offered at the bar.
Attendees may bring their own food and drink or bring in food and drink from the Rhythm Kitchen.

Feature Poet: Ladies Cipher featuring Eve Bell, accompanied by CJ, Whitney and Shawny the Artist.

For tix: Tickets309tix.com/events/whisper-shout-open-mic-for-poetry-6-15-2023

Location: Peoria River Front Association