Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

04/06/17 08:00PM - 10:00PM

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry 
Thursday, April 6 ~ 8-10:00pm
Admission: $7/nonmembers, $4/members

The open mic features a popular regionally known poet but everyone is welcome to share his or her work. 

J.C. is back to give us a solo performance more powerful than his 2011 group feature. Born and raised in Peoria, Illinois J.C. has continued to master the art of poetry and performance art, while encouraging youth in the community to do the same. With a background in Communication and Fine Arts his performance style is unique and captivating. Currently, he is working on chapbooks that explore vulnerability in the Black community and poetry that tackles modern day issues. You can find him working with families as a healthcare professional and doing what he does best: coaching young students in the art of performance and cultivating a passion for poetry.

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1858372071101903/

Location: Peoria River Front Association