40th GMB Arts in Education Spring Celebration in 2025 - JAM - Jazz Appreciation Month Celebration Ki
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04/14/25 11:00AM
JAM - Jazz Appreciation Month Celebration Kick-Off
Junior High School Jazz Bands will perform inside the Peoria Riverfront Museum
Because we will be at the Peoria Riverfront Museum and Caterpillar Visitor's Center for 2025, the GMB Spring Celebration will be held each day, rain or shine!
Performances - When the weather is good, performances will be held outside in the Sun Plaza of the Peoria Riverfront Museum and in the Rear Plaza outside the Caterpillar Visitor's Center. When the weather is bad, performances will be moved inside the Peoria Riverfront Museum and the Caterpillar's Visitor Center.
Visual Art Gallery - All student Visual Art work will be displayed inside the main lobby of the Peoria Riverfront Museum, which is accessible from the Sun Plaza. Even if your school is not performing, we'd like to showcase your student's art! Learn more in our letter inviting teachers and students to participate!
Restrooms are available inside both the museum and visitor's center.
For more information and a complete schedule, visit: https://springcelebration.org/
Location: Peoria River Front Association